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Esileht » On 19-23 of September the Estonian Qualifications Authority hosted a delegation from the National Qualification Authority of Kosovo

On 19-23 of September the Estonian Qualifications Authority hosted a delegation from the National Qualification Authority of Kosovo

The aim of Kosovos’ delegations study visit was to get an overview and to understand the educational reforms made in Estonia and the developments in Estonian qualifications system.

The study visit took place through the project: EU KOSVET V – Development of Quality Assurance, Accreditation and Qualifications: Development of NQA & NQF in Kosovo. The project is supported by the European Union’s PIA Programme for Kosovo. The decision to change our experiences was made because Estonia is also a small country and their qualifications framework (and professional qualifications system as part of it) has been newly developed. The main organizer of the study visit was the Estonian Qualifications Authority, but the educational system was introduced by Külli All from the Ministry of Education and Research. In addition the National Examinations and Qualifications Centre, Foundation Innove and Chamber of Commerce and Industry were visited. As the quests hade special interest in vocational education and training, also two VET Schools were visited: Olustvere School of Service and Rural Economics and Tallinn School of Services.


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